KYC & AML Agreement

By signing up for an account at or through any of our affiliated websites, APIs or mobile applications, you agree to comply with all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, as well as our KYC & AML Agreement and E-Sign Consent Policy have read and understood.

You should be aware that the risk of loss when trading or holding digital currencies may be significant. Digital currency services are currently not regulated by all financial regulators. You should therefore carefully consider whether trading or holding digital currencies is suitable for you in view of your financial situation.

Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that in future financial supervisory authorities will regulate digital currency services and that trading in digital currencies will then be restricted or even no longer possible.

In addition, the taxation guidelines are to be examined individually.


IGR IBC Ltd. (IGR) or any other affiliated company has formulated policies for the KYC and AML guidelines to actively support the fight against AML.

For the purpose of compliance, the personal details and contact details of natural persons are recorded and stored. In addition, the amount and frequency of incoming and outgoing transactions are recorded, controlled and stored.

KYC means Know Your Customer. This is a standard review process common to Crypto Exchanges, the opening of bank accounts and much more.

KYC is being called on by many authorities around the world to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

The KYC process starts with logging in to the During the KYC process we validate the identity and check whether you are on the international sanctions list or a Politically Exposed Person (PEP). Until the KYC process is successfully completed you cannot or only to a limited extent use the service of the IGR.

KYC Level and Measures

The Company collects identifying information on each purchaser in its token sale. The Company shall collect the following information about each purchaser:

Verification Requirements - Individual

All individual must provide the information as below for the KYC.

Complete online form with Registration of name, age (must be at least 21 years old), telephone number, email address, residential address and e-mail verification.

Identification: valid government-issued identification with picture; i.e., passport, national ID card, driving license, residency card, employment permit card, etc.

You would also be required to submit a selfie confirming your identity (with ID in Hand).

Proof of Residential Address: a statement not older than 3 months from a utility, service company, licensed corporation or government authority clearly indicating your name and residential address.

Verification Requirements - Corporate

Complete online form.

Corporate Documents:

Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration

Memorandum and Articles of Association (which evidence the powers that regulate and bind the company)

Details of Ownership and Control Structure (Please provide chart indicating percentage holdings.)

Company minutes (resolution) to open an account on IGR; signed by a Director

Authorized Signature List (on behalf of the company)

Current Director Register List

Names of Ultimate Beneficiary(-ies)

Shareholder List

Proof of Business Address (if different from the Registered Office Address)

Certificate of Incumbency

Certificate of Good Standing or an equivalent document, issued within the past 12 months

KYC Declaration Form - (all fields to be completed and the document signed and dated)

Directors, Shareholders (20%+), Authorized Signatories (Traders) and Ultimate Beneficiaries Documentation

Each director, shareholder (owning 20% or more of the company), authorized signatory and ultimate beneficiary is required to provide proof of identity.

Documents required include:

Identification: valid government-issued identification with picture; i.e., passport, national ID card, driving license, residency card, employment permit card, etc.

You would also be required to submit a selfie confirming your identity (with ID in Hand).

Proof of residential address (utility bill, letter from a government dept., tax statement, personal bank statement) no older than 90 days.

Director Information: each director, significant shareholder and controlling officer(s) are required to provide identification. Please review the online form for more details.

After completing the corporate verification form, an individual form for each director, significant shareholder(s) and controlling officer(s) must be completed.

Contributor Eligibility

The Company shall not accept purchasers (individuals or entities) from the following jurisdictions (the “Prohibited Purchasers”):
  • United States - Individuals or entities from or residing in the United States, including American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or any entity organized or incorporated under the laws of the United States. U.S. citizens living abroad may also be deemed "U.S. Persons" under certain rules.
  • Iran - a natural person, residing in Iran, or any entity organized or incorporated under the laws of Iran.
  • Iraq – a natural person, residing in Iraq, or any entity organized or incorporated under the laws of Iraq
  • North Korea – a natural person, residing in North Korea, or any entity organized or incorporated under the laws of North Korea

The Company explicitly prohibits the Prohibited Purchasers in its Token Sale Terms and Conditions (the “T&C”). Any purchasers that purchase tokens in violation of the T&C shall be deemed invalid and such purchasers shall have their purchase amount returned to them at their expense.


The KYC levels apply to the deposit of FIAT money and the deposit of digital assets such as Bitcoin or similar.

IGR, the authorities or compliance teams of our payment processors may request additional documents on a case-by-case basis.

Furthermore, IGR reserves the right to independently carry out advanced controls regardless of the current KYC level, the account balance and user behaviour.

The user of the platform agrees with the registration that IGR, the payment service provider or a third party commissioned by IGR may carry out inquiries regarding KYC & AML.

The collected data will be forwarded to the competent investigating authorities in case of justified abnormalities.

IGR reserves the right not to carry out or prevent transactions in order to take due account of the due diligence regarding the KYC and AML regulations.

Money Laundering Reporting Officer

The compliance with the regulations is especially important and is the core content of the leadership and responsibility. Therefore, the CFO assumes the role of Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO).


Tom Wong (

In case of the extension of the MLRO staff, the newly involved people are verified and supplemented with the connected payment service providers.