IGR is a Shariah Compliant platform of partnering with many mining and other business operators to generate long term enterprises & projects.

It aims to provide Guidance to those operators for growing their business under Shariah Law.

IGR strives to connect the world and build communities whose operations, working and living in the Shariah Eco Environment.

About IGR

Overview of Integrity Global Resources IBC Limited

About IGR

Integrity Global Resources IBC Limited (IGR Group) is a Shariah Compliant platform of partnering with many mining and other business operators to generate long term enterprises & projects. IGR Group is an offshore company formed and protected by the Nevis Business Corporation Ordinance of 1984 (NBCO).

IGR Group aims to provide Guidance to those operators for growing their business under Shariah Law.

IGR Group strives to connect the world and build communities whose operations, working and living in the Shariah Eco Environment.

To achieve these goals, IGR Group aims to raise up to USD 36 Million among the potential investors and deliver common shares along with the same numbers of IGR Tokens to them.

Why not join us for HOPE & PROSPERITY?

Review of SHARIAH Economy

IGR Business Model

Shariah Economy covers 47 Countries with the population of 1.9 Bil. The system is based on its principles which teach people to be honest, to avoid greed, fraudulent transactions and excessive consumption, as well as to not harm others. Hence, people would uphold these values, even without external acknowledgement or recognition.

The volume of Shariah Economy was USD 2.2 Trillion in 2016, and is expected to reach USD 4.2 Trillion by 2023.

IGR Business Model

In addition, Shariah communities on the globe have the youngest Median Age of 25 which shows clearly the highest potential growth in the world.

Unique & Secure Business Model


IGR Group is based on its Unique & Secure Business Model like the following long-term revenue generating businesses:

  • Gold Mining Joint Ventures
  • Online Physical Gold Exchange
  • Master Card E-wallet
  • Halal Business in Major Industries

IGR shareholders receive dividends from all the businesses mentioned in the above.

IGR Gold Mining Joint Ventures

Currently, IGR has a number of 30-year contracts of Gold Mining JVs in Republic of Guinea, Africa. IGR is entitled to 20% of the Gold reserves in 8 Concessions, which equivalents 7,600kg of gold worthy of over USD 586 Mil. as of April 22nd, 2024.


IGR Gold Exchange Business


IGR Gold Exchange is based on Physical Gold only. You can purchase Physical Gold safely and easily on IGR Gold Exchange App. within the volume of IGR Gold Reserve. (For the purpose of transparence, you may not purchase Gold at IGR Gold Exchange in case that stock is not available.)

  • You can buy and sell physical gold at most favorable terms and condition.
  • You can transfer your gold to anyone safely and easily.
  • You can exchange your gold for IGR Tokens.
  • You can carry the value of your gold in IGR Mastercard E-wallet.
  • You can send or receive gold at IGR-authorized global gold dealers.

IGR e-Wallet Business

IGR Gold Exchange and token holders can use IGR e-Wallet for their transactions of buying goods and services from merchants and businesses via IGR Payment Gateway more easily and economically!


Halal Business in Major Industries

IGR Group has been focusing on expending our partnership program of Halal Business in major industries by like the following case of IGR Halal Business Platform with Korea.


About IGR Token

IGR Token

IGR Token has its root in the Common Share of IGR Group When you purchase IGR Tokens, you'll get FREE matching Common Shares! The Common Shares shall provide you the dividends of IGR Group periodically.

IGR Tokens allow you to trade on our official Exchange paltform! When you buy the tokens, you’ll get the shares, and when you sell the tokens, you sell shares. At the same time, you can exchange IGR Tokens with Gold Tokens at IGR Gold Exchange which guarantees your ownership of Physical Gold equivalent to the numbers of Gold Tokens.

IGR’s Benefits to the Investors

IGR IBC Ltd. and its Token are secure and grow steadily.

Protects the identity

Communities & Social Responsibilities

IGR Group and its joint venture partners have signed profit sharing arrangements with the Communities in Africa for gold produced on their concessions.

Cloud Based

Token Exchange with IGR Gold Bullion

IGR Tokens can be exchanged with Gold Tokens at IGR Gold Exchange, and the equivalent Physical Gold is ready for your withdrawal or exit into cash.

No transaction fees

Pay Easily & Economically

IGR Token holders can use IGR e-Wallet for their transactions of purchasing goods and services with merchants and businesses via IGR Payment Gateway service.

Read Time Update

Strong Board Members & Shariah Compliant Team

The board members of IGR Group are among the top specialists in ICO and blockchain industry with outstanding backgrounds in many projects, and Shariah Compliant Team are composed of well-respected professors in the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya.

Strong teams & Advisors

Appreciation of IGR Tokens

IGR Group will issue quite a limited number of IGR Tokens. For every IGR Token you buy, you'll get FREE matching common share which has its right to receive dividend periodically from IGR Group This will guarantee meaningful appreciation of IGR Tokens.

Instant operations

Transparency and Trust

IGR Token platform is fully transparent and accountable to its users due to ETH blockchain in every transaction.

What IGR Group does not do? / What IGR Group does?

IGR Group does not do this!

  • IGR Group does not give a Token with nothing to back up. You’ll get Free Common Share for every Token you buy!
  • IGR Group does not sell Gold unless it is in stock and available!
  • IGR Group does not have short vision. It's here to stay!
Who else does this besides IGR Group?

IGR Group does this!

  • IGR Group does generate profits from successful operations of its various businesses!
  • IGR Group does re-invest 80% of its token sales to proceed in working capital for its Gold concessions!
  • IGR Group does become a role model for all Secure Stable Tokens!
Who else does this besides IGR Group?

IGR Token Term Sheet

Symbol IGR
IGR Token Price 0.03 USD
Token issuance 2.4 Billion Tokens
Hard cap USD 36 Millions
Presale period From November 6th, 2023
IGR public sale Feb 15, 2024
Accepted currencies BTC, ETH, USDT, US DOLLARS
Minimum purchase USD 1,000
Lock up period Three Months
Investment IGR Group re-invests 80% of its token sales to proceed in working capital for its Gold concessions!

The Roadmap

The concept of IGR has been in the making for not a few years prior to the birth of IGR Group, with tremendous efforts in validation, research and preparation for the funding by Pre-Sale which will be launched in November 2023.

Based on the exploitation of 8 Concessions in Africa, IGR Group expands its mining areas with the fund from Pre-Sale and ICO, and the meaningful amount of gold extraction is anticipated before IGR Gold Exchange opens in Q3 of 2024.

Board of Directors & Shariah Compliant Team Members

Our team is composed of Board of Directors and Shariah Compliant Team. Board of directors offer a unique combination of extensive business experience, high technology, international perspective, and hands-on attitude. We blend deep technological skills with creativity, academic excellence, and executive experience. Its aim is to make IGR Group established as a Blockchain Technology leading group & the pioneer of prospering Shariah Economy on the globe.

Well-respected Professors of Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya have been participating in Shariah Compliance Team and doing its precious role of guiding IGR Group to develop its business on the very principles of Shariah and connecting Islamic Communities on the globe as one.

Board of Directors

Prof Dr. Ishak Suliaman

Prof Dr. Ishak Suliaman

Shariah Partner
Mr. Gan Chin sam

Mr. Gan Chin sam

Technology Partner
Mr. A. A. Haji

Mr. A. A. Haji

Mining Partner
Mr. Pavan Kumar

Mr. Pavan Kumar

Mr. Tom Wong

Mr. Tom Wong

Mr. Benny Foo

Mr. Benny Foo

Mr. Jaewoong Yeom

Mr. Jaewoong Yeom



Prof Dr. Ishak Suliaman

Prof Dr. Ishak Suliaman

Shariah Partner & Team Leader
Prof Dr. Kamaruzaman Bin Noordin

Prof Dr. Kamaruzaman Bin Noordin

Shariah Compliant Team Member
Dr. Mohd Shahid Bin Mohd Noh

Dr. Mohd Shahid Bin Mohd Noh

Shariah Compliant Team Member
Ms. Teresa Paszek

Ms. Teresa Paszek

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

IGR Token is based on the ERC-20 standard of the Ethereum ecosystem; a global, secure decentralized verification network that enables IGR Group to “coinize” our token. IGR Group has created a maximum pool of 2,400,000,000 IGR Tokens for sale.
  • IGR Common Share allowing you to receive the dividend periodically
  • Reliable, transparent and accountable blockchain
  • Decentralized and nationless network
  • Exchangeable, tradeable and transferable environment
  • Digital payments for services and products

IGR is a Shariah Compliant platform of partnering with many mining and other business operators to generate long term enterprises & projects.

It aims to provide Guidance to those operators for growing their business under Shariah Law. IGR strives to connect the world and build communities whose operations, working and living in the Shariah Eco Environment.

The only way to acquire IGR Tokens during the ICO is via the website of www.igr.group. However, during the pre-sale period, please approach our exclusive wholesaler or their agents for access code via email to admin@igr.group provided by their representatives.
BTC, ETH, USDT, and US DOLLARS. Cash payment is accepted where it is legal, and up to the maximum authorized in the country where the transaction takes place.
We provide a 24/7 help desk. You can get in touch by visiting our website at www.igr.group and contact us through email contact@igr.group during the private sale period.
In case of online participation, the minimum purchase of token must be over USD 1,000.