What is IGR Bond Token for?

IGR Bond Token

IGR Bond Token has been created for the purpose of setting up the necessary funds which will shorten the period of gold exploitation, and this will amply support regular profits and principal repayment, and expand IGR mining business on and on for its strong infrastructure.

It is a paragon of Bond Token which provides regular profits and principal repayment pursuant to the bond agreement by and between IGR and the Investors. When an investor purchases IGR Bond Tokens, he or she will receive 4.5% of return every quarter for 5 years from the contract date. For example, if you purchase 10,000 IGR bond tokens at a price of 1 USD per each, you will receive $450 USD every quarter for 5 years.

This Bond Token is scheduled to be listed on Bitfinex in the first quarter of 2025 at a price of “1 IGR bond token = 1 USDT” after pre-sale process, and more than 3 million of blue-chip customers in Bitfinex will surely focus on IGR bond token. If they are satisfied with high profitability, then their demands will increase its price on and on.

All through this process, IGR Bond Token embodies New Normal of Blockchain Economy where asset-free tokens have become mainstream, and presents the future of Blockchain Economy.

If the IGR Bond Token holder determines that the current high price covers all the quarterly returns, it is up to the holder to sell the tokens on Bitfinex, and then the rights are transferred to the new holder.

Additionally, at the end of 5 years, IGR will repay 100% of the principal. However, if the price at the time exceeds it, you can continue to hold it on and on, and in this case the right to repay the principal is extinguished.

IGR Bond Token Term Sheet

Symbol IGR-BT
IGR Bond Token Price 1.00 USDT
Token issuance 15 Mil. Tokens
Hard cap USD 12 Millions
Presale period From April 22nd, 2024
Public sale 1 Quarter of 2025
Accepted currencies USDT, BTC, ETH, US DOLLARS, EUR, KRW, RMB orJPY
Cash payments are accepted where legal, and up to the maximum authorized in the country where the transaction takes place.
Minimum purchase USD 10,000
Lock up period No Lock-up Period
Investment IGR IBC Ltd. re-invests 80% of its token sales to proceed in working capital for its Gold concessions!

The Roadmap

The Roadmap of IGR Bond Token

Frequently Asked Questions